Dr. Irgang
Dr. Lisa Irgang is a Clinical Psychologist and the Owner of Relationship Solutions Center. She provides a variety of services to meet her clients needs. Dr. Lisa has worked with people throughout Chicagoland, helping with adjusting to significant life changes, ADHD, Alternative Sexualities, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Dealing with Chronic Illness, Depression, Low self-esteem, Parenting special needs children, Relationship concerns, and Trauma. She's a graduate of Argosy University Chicago and a Fellow at CLII - Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois.
Everyone needs to be noticed and appreciated.  In honor of National Compliment Day, are you willing to take the challenge to give yourself at least 10 compliments to yourself? So many of us either ignore the positive we do on a daily basis, don’t believe
21 Jan 2020
The power of touch Did you know today is National Hug Day?  As soon as I found out, my immediate thought was about the power of touch.   Think about it.  Do you have people in your life that give amazing hugs?  What makes it amazing?
It’s 15 days into 2020!  How are you doing so far? On New Year’s Eve I wrote about making resolutions and talking about switching from #resolutions to creating #goals.  It would be great to hear how that is working for you. One of my goals
Currently, there are three styles of divorce available. Traditionally, the divorce process is adversarial and the parties and their attorneys are pitted against each other.  The process is monitored by a Judge and often there are threats of “letting the court decide” an issue if